Hey Guys!
I have already made an origami advent wreath: corona modular which was demonstrated by Leyla Tores. But this origami wreath form was created by Christiane Bettens. You can find this video on youtube or click this link --> Origami Advent Wreath: Corona Modular
The video will not disappoint you. Leyla Torres showed every steps clearly ^^
So... I guess you won't get distress (laugh) and it's very easy and simple (>w<) and also very cute
I tried to use four different colors with two different pattern of papers. My wreath has green, dark blue, sky blue and red colors. There are some cute pictures on green and sky blue papers. It increased the cute value of my wreath (laugh). I used smaller paper size than Leyla Torres demonstrated in video. I planned to make my wreath as a necklace pendant, but the size're still big if I want to use it as pendant TT^TT. So, I changed my plan and made a hanging decoration from my wreath. Now my wreath successful enliven my room \(>w<)/ yeii~~~
This is my wreath
It's cute, isn't it?
And... it's a picture of my origami wreath hanging decoration (^w^)
That's it!
Don't forget to prepare some paperclips! You will need it